Face-to-Face and Online
Somatic Body-Mind Therapy
for nervous system resilience in challenging times

Face-to-Face and Online
Somatic Body-Mind Therapy
for nervous system resilience in challenging times

”The most essential aspect of healing
is learning to fully inhabit our inner sense of self –
not only emotionally and psychologically but bodily as well,
as they are inseparable from one another.
Some of the best therapy is largely non-verbal”.
Bessel van der Kolk
MD, ​Founder of the Trauma Centre
Author of The Body Keeps the Score
Somatic Touch Therapy is a body-based approach - sessions are a combination of Somatic Experiencing Touch (Dr Peter Levine, Trauma Therapy Institute), and Cranial Sacral Therapy*.
Somatic Touch Therapy sessions are particularly beneficial when stress and trauma memories and patterns are held within the body, perpetuating physical, mental and/or emotional pain as disruptive patterns in the present.
Somatic Touch Therapy sessions assist with mind/body/emotion balance and regulation and help to reset the nervous system's fight/flight/freeze responses that may be ever present or too easily triggered as a result of past/current stress or trauma. Sessions help you to more easily 'shift gears' from an activated, triggered state, down to a calmer/ more regulated state - helping you move from a state of fear or unrest to a baseline sense of safety.
The body can also become physically braced and restricted when traumatic memories and emotions are bound up inside - tight neck, shoulders, clenched jaw, shallow breathing and various emotions such as anxiety or anger can be present. Using attuned somatic touch techniques and approaches, Somatic Therapy sessions gently support your body to feel a safer place, helping to resolve restrictions and bound emotions so an increased sense of flow and resilience is experienced.
When can Somatic Touch Therapy sessions help?
When you struggle to feel calm and regulated in your body, often feeling activated or overwhelmed
When you feel disconnected from your body or there is fear about coming into relationship with your body due to past experiences, and need support to move past this
When stress or trauma manifests as physical symptoms causing you pain and discomfort
When you have worked with 'talk therapy' approaches and have had limited success in resolving your issues
When you aren't comfortable with a 'talk' approach or find it challenging
*Cranial Sacral Therapy is a very safe, light touch, body-based therapy (no physical manipulation) that is beneficial for resolving both physical and/or emotional issues. It is a well-established system of healthcare that evolved over 100 years ago that was developed by Dr Sutherland and subsequently evolved by Dr Upledger amongst others.